Procedure used by the academic committee for the assignment of the student's tutor and thesis advisor:
The definitive admission of a doctoral student to a Doctoral Program involves the assignment of a Tutor, designated by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program. This will be a doctor with accredited research experience, respecting as far as possible the interests expressed by the doctoral student and tutor, who will formalize the acceptance of the rights and duties in their relationship, which will be incorporated into the Supervision Commitment signed between the doctoral student and the University. The Tutor will exercise tasks of guidance and monitoring of the doctoral student's activities and will ensure the interaction of the doctoral student with the Academic Committee.
Article 20 of the Internal Regulations of the Doctoral School of the University of Valladolid, states the duties of the thesis tutors:
- To assist their doctoral students in their training process, providing information, guidance and resources for learning.
- Facilitate the configuration of the curricular itinerary of their doctoral students.
- Sign the documentary commitment that establishes the functions of supervision of their doctoral students, in the manner established by the University.
- Regularly review the document of personalized activities of their doctoral students.
- Periodically inform and endorse the research plan of their doctoral students.
- To attend to the needs of their doctoral students with disabilities, in accordance with the guidelines established by the University.
- All those obligations established in the general legislation, in the regulations of the Autonomous Community and in the Statutes and regulations of the University of Valladolid.
On the other hand, tutors have the following rights (art. 19 of the Internal Regulations of the Doctoral School of the University of Valladolid):
- Full integration in the structure and activities of the Doctoral School, in accordance with the rules defined in these regulations for the doctoral plans of the same.
- All those rights that are recognized in the general legislation, in the regulations of the Autonomous Community and in the Statutes and rules of the University of Valladolid.
At the time of admission, each student will be assigned a Tutor, who may be his/her Thesis Director or another research doctor of the doctoral program related to the research topic of the thesis. Each director/tutor will indicate to the student the training activities to be carried out during the completion of his/her doctoral thesis.
Students who carry out the doctoral thesis in centers other than those of the program must have the acceptance of the center where the thesis will be carried out and that of a professor of the program who will act as tutor.
Within a maximum period of three months from their enrollment in the Doctoral Program, the Academic Committee responsible will assign to each doctoral student a Director or directors of doctoral thesis, who will formalize together with the doctoral student the acceptance of the rights and duties in their relationship, incorporating it to the Supervision Commitment signed between the doctoral student and the University.
The Director will be responsible for the coherence and suitability of the training activities and for the impact and novelty of the subject matter of the doctoral thesis in his/her field. The thesis supervisor must be a Spanish or foreign doctor with accredited research experience, who may or may not coincide with the previously assigned tutor.
The thesis may be co-directed when there are academic reasons or when the thematic interdisciplinary nature or the programs developed in national or international collaboration justify it. In any case, co-direction must be previously authorized by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program. Such authorization may be subsequently revoked if, in the opinion of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program, co-direction does not benefit the development of the Thesis.
Co-direction with new directors will also be encouraged, in this case sharing the direction with another director with accredited research experience.